Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I plan to list my house this spring, what should I do?

Go around the perimeter of the house and move all garbage cans, discarded wood scraps, extra building materials, etc.,

Check gutters and roof for dry rot and moss. Make sure they are swept and cleaned.

Look at all plants. Plants are like children, they grow so fast. Prune bushes and trees. Keep plants from blocking windows.  You cannot sell a house if you cannot see it!

Remove any dead plants, weed all planting areas and put down fresh mulching material.

Keep your lawn freshly cut, edged and fertilized during the growing season.

Clear patios or decks of all small items, such as little planters, flower pots, charcoal, barbeques, toys, etc.

Check the condition of the paint on your home, especially the trim and the front door. The first impression, or curb appeal, is very important

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