Friday, April 17, 2009

BILLINGS now is ranked Number 1 in the Entire Country for expected Real Estate Price Appreciation !
Several months ago I commented that Billings was ranked no. 3 from Housing ( a web site that forecasts the real estate market nationally). Now they have increased Billings ranking up to Number 1 ! This is number 1 from 250 cities surveyed across the entire country ! The survey researches 20 different factors to arrive at their conclusions. Billings strong job market and overall good economic outlook were major factors in their predictions.
With the recent mortgage rate announcement from Freddie Mac, that 30 year mortgage rates are the lowest they have been since they started keeping records in 1971, can anyone question that NOW is the time, and the Billings market is the place to Buy or Sell Real Estate. Add to this, the new $8000.00 tax credit for 1st time homebuyers and you have many reasons to Buy or Sell NOW. So if you have been sitting on the fence, wondering if this is the right time, wonder no more! The time to BUY or SELL is NOW.
Call or e-mail Larry or Jo Ann Thomas today, to get your real estate transaction oving forward NOW. Call...(406)628-2903 or (406)545-9249
E-mail... or

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Six reasons why you should work with a Realtor.

1. Help with a sometimes complicated process.
Buying or selling a home requires confusing forms, inspection reports, policies, mortgage documents, contracts, and a lot more. An expert with knowledge will help prepare you with the best deal and help avoid lengthy delays or costly mistakes.

2. Important info.
Realtors can provide needed information about the surrounding areas and the community. A Realtor should be able to answer questions or concerns you may have on the buying or selling process. If they do not have an immediate answer, they should know where to go or who to call to find out the information you need.

3. Finding the right property.
An agent will be able to build you a search based on your wishes and wants that you desire in your first home or your dream home.

4. Negotiations.
An agent will be able to help in negotiating in areas such as, inspections, price, terms, and much more.

5. Marketing.
Marketing is key in selling your home. Different areas of marketing include but are not limited to; Online, different newspapers, and agent yard signs. Open houses are important in showing the public your home. When you work with a Realtor, they can put your home in the system so that many other agents can see your home and then in turn show it to their clients.

6. Experience and Knowledge.
We as Realtors have a wealth of knowledge in the business, but we also should have brokers behind us 100% who have been in the industry for many years and here at Billings Real Estate Professionals, we do!

"When Team Work Matters"
Call us today to see what we can do for you.
Michelle Anderson 208-7128
Alicia Mader 690-8687