Monday, December 31, 2012

What are the top ten home inspection problems?

1.Improper surface grading and drainage. This was by far the most frequently-found problem, reported by 36 percent of inspectors.

2.Improper and undersized electrical wiring. This includes such situations as insufficient electrical service to the house, aluminum wiring, inadequate overload protection, improper grounding and dangerous amateur wiring connections.

3.Older and damaged roofs. Asphalt shingle roofs only last about 15 to 20 years.

4.Deficient and older heating systems.

5.Poor Overall Maintenance. This includes items such as cracked, peeling or dirty painted surfaces, crumbling masonry, make-shift wiring or plumbing and broken fixtures or appliances.

6.Structural Problems. This includes issues with the foundation walls, floor joists, rafters or window and door headers.

7.Plumbing problems.

8.Exteriors items. Flaws in a home's exterior, including windows, doors and wall surfaces are responsible for the discomfort and damage caused by water and air penetration. Inadequate caulking and/or poor weather stripping are the most common culprits of a cold and drafty home.

9.Water damage.

10.Miscellaneous items. Various interior components, such as sticky windows or dripping faucets, as well as a number of environmental concerns, such as lead-based paint, radon, mold and asbestos.

Call me for all of your real estate needs--Lisa Baumberger  406-2408-5560

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