Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What is a SID?

It is a special improvement tax for a neighborhood that is usually for streets, curbs, and sidewalks.  A buyer would want to know if there are any as it affects how much you pay in taxes.  There is a place on the buy-sell to check, we usually check for the seller to pay off any SID's but there are times when the seller does not want to so you have to negotiate SID's

Call Sharon Weber regarding your questions  406-670-6776

Monday, August 20, 2012

I found a house I really like, but they are asking more than I qualify for, can I offer them less?

You can always make an offer.  They in turn can accept, deny, or counter offer, but often times making an offer will tart the negotiations!

Call Pam Woodard for all of your real estate needs 855-1440

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why should we not use a top producing agent?

Top producing agents may be recognizable but generally, they are extremely busy.  To ensure that you or your property gets the most attention possible, a lesser known agent can devote more time to you while carrying the same pwoer anyone else could.

I can give you excellent service and a have a broker who has been in the business for over 25 years to back me up and make sure that everything is done correctly Ryan Mx  850-2995